Beyond The Course
We are proud to team with Monarchs in the Rough which is a partnership between Audubon International and Environmental Defense Fund. The program connects and supports superintendents and other golf course staff as they plan, install and manage habitat projects for the monarch butterfly on their courses.
The monarch population has declined by approximately 90 percent since the 1990s due to habitat loss and fragmentation leaving the species at great risk. We are participating in the effort to save the monarch butterfly by growing vital habitat to support monarch breeding and migration patterns on our golf courses.
Leslie Park is honored to be one of 12 Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary golf courses in the state of Michigan. This certification is endorsed by the United States Golf Association and provides information and guidance to help golf courses preserve and enhance wildlife habitat and protect natural resources. To achieve and retain certification, course must maintain a high standard of environmental quality in:
- Environmental planning
- Wildlife and habitat management
- Outreach and education
- Chemical use reduction and safety
- Water conservation
- Water quality management
Huron Hills Golf Course
3465 E. Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48104