Rules To Know
HHGC Rules and Regulations
For the benefit of all golfers, the following rules and regulations govern the use of the City of Ann Arbor Parks & Recreation golf facilities. These rules are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
General Rules
• The Rules of Golf of the United States Golf Association (USGA) together with the Rules of Etiquette as adopted by the USGA shall be the rules of the Club.
• The hours of operation will be established considering the season of the year and other circumstances. The hours of operation will be posted at the clubhouse.
• All state and local laws concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages will be strictly enforced. Alcohol may not be brought onto the golf course.
• The clubhouse and golf course are smoke-free environments.
• Please use extreme caution when crossing the road. Cars turning right onto the Parkway from Huron River Drive sometimes do not see golfers crossing.
• Each walking player must have their own set of golf clubs – two players may share a set if in the same power golf cart.
• The maximum number of players allowed per group is four; no fivesomes are permitted.
• Spectators and caddies are not permitted on the golf course at any time. Special exceptions will be made for official golf tournaments authorized by management.
• All players must register at the pro shop. Players must start play from either the first or tenth tee as directed by pro shop personnel. “Cutting-in” and starting on any other hole is not permitted. Failure to check in and register 10 minutes prior to a reserved starting time may result in cancellation or set back.
• Golfers may have only one ball in play (per USGA RULES OF GOLF). Practice on the golf course is prohibited.
• Golf marshals may be on duty to help regulate play and enforce golf cart regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated. Golfers must comply with the course management and/or marshal’s instructions. Failure to do so could result in removal from the course.
• All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times. This is the spirit of the game of golf.
• Golfers may be removed from the golf course for threatening or abusive behavior, damaging the golf course, or behavior that may cause injury to themselves or others.
• It is recommended that all players call the pro shop to reserve tee times. Tee times may be made up to 14 days in advance by booking online or on the phone.
• Golfers wishing to reserve more than three consecutive tee times must make arrangements through the director of golf.
• Please notify the pro shop of any cancellations within 24 hours of your tee time. Failure to cancel unused tee times will result in a no-show fee possibly being charged to your credit card.
• Rainchecks are only valid for greens fees and cart fees. Rainchecks expire at the end of the year in which they were issued.
To rent a power golf cart, you must be a minimum of 18 years of age, with a valid driver’s license. To drive a golf cart, you must have a valid driver’s license.
• Only two persons and two sets of golf clubs are permitted per golf cart.
• Golf carts must be kept 30 feet away from greens, tees and bunkers and must be used in a way that does not damage the course. Pull carts must be kept off tees and greens.
• Always use cart paths where provided, especially near tees and greens.
• Never drive a golf cart through a hazard.
• Never drive a golf cart in the native areas – this includes no-mow areas which have tall grass.
• Operation of a golf cart is at the risk of the operator. The operator will be held fully responsible for any and all damages resulting from misuse.
• Violations of the golf cart rules may result in loss of cart and/or playing privileges.
Course Etiquette
Each player is expected to observe the rules and etiquette of golf while on the course. These are listed in the USGA Rules of Golf. The overriding principle is that consideration should be shown to others on the course at all times. Each player must also follow the pace of play policy that governs the golf course.
• Players should not play until the players in front are out of range.
• Players should ensure that any electronic device taken onto the course does not distract other players.
• Players should play at a good pace. It is a group’s responsibility to keep up with the group in front.
• Do not waste time. Players should anticipate the club or clubs they may need and go directly to their ball to play promptly when it is their turn. If a player is delayed in making their shot, they should indicate to another player to play out of turn.
• The time required to hole out on and around the green is a chief cause of slow play. Players should study and clear the line of their putt while others are doing the same. They should be ready to putt when it is their turn, and hole out if they can do so without standing on another player’s line of putt. When playing on or near the putting green, they should leave their bags or carts in such a position as will enable quick movement off the green and towards the next tee. When the play of a hole has been completed, players should immediately leave the putting green. Scoring should be done at the next tee while waiting for others in the group to play.
• If a player believes his ball may be lost outside a water hazard or is out of bounds, to save time, he should play a provisional ball.
• When entering and leaving bunkers avoid climbing the steepest parts of the bunker. Before leaving a bunker, a player should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made utilizing the provided rake. The rake should be left in the bunker laying in the direction of play.
• Players should carefully repair any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player or someone else – repair yours and one other).
• In order to avoid damaging the hole, players should not stand too close to the hole and should take care during the handling of the flagstick and the removal of a ball from the hole. Do not use a club to remove a ball from the hole.
Huron Hills Golf Course enforces a Pace of Play Policy which requires all groups to play 18 holes in a maximum time of four hours and 20 minutes. If all groups do their part to keep pace with the group ahead of them, every golfer’s experience with us will be maximized.
• All groups should report to the 1st tee no more than 10 minutes prior to their tee time.
• All groups should tee off at their assigned time in order to maintain proper spacing ahead of them.
• Groups failing to check in prior to their time may lose their time and will be moved to the next available tee time.
• Please play “ready golf.”
• Hit your shot when you’re clear to do so not necessarily “away.”
• Walk off the greens before you record your scores.
• Leave your bag/golf cart between you and the green so you don’t have to walk backwards
• Search for lost balls for a maximum of three minutes.
• Rangers are on the golf course to ensure a positive experience for all customers. Please contact them for assistance at any time.
• Any group failing to keep pace after being warned will be asked to pick up on a hole and close the gap with the group ahead.
Huron Hills Golf Course
3465 E. Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48104